
Animals: Book 2

Written by Eric Grissom, Art by Claire Connelly

33 page mini-comic

When a despondant pig finds a human that’s escaped the local slaughterhouse, he must make a choice: stand up for the helpless human in his care or return him to the factory farm where he works.

Praise for Pigs

Dark and unsettling, this comic takes us out of our comfort zone. With tight economical writing, and expressive moody artwork, this short story quickly establishes an alternate reality, where just a simple change to the zoological hierarchy turns the stomach and forces us to look at the things we’d prefer stay hidden.

Mike Dawson The Fifth Quarter, Troop 142

A cautious tale that pits a man who sees the world differently than it sees itself, the enormity of being different pulls at you in every panel.  The weight of a lifetime of inertia keeping you locked into your role is staggeringly difficult to overcome, and this story addresses just that kind of struggle beautifully.

Fanbase Press

…this is an incredible comic book. I don’t know if Eric Grissom is making commentary on the food system or labor or life in general, but it’s really good. It makes you think and wonder and while I only have guesses I’m okay with that because the story is so rewarding.

Comic Bastards

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